Activated Charcoal Powder is very fine powder that is odorless and somewhat tasteless.
Charcoal has risen in popularity for a variety of different uses in home settings: skincare, dental care, culinary uses and as a potential hangover remedy. While the jury is still out with supporting evidence of its efficacy for decreasing the effects of alcohol poisonings in the body IT IS USED medically to treat overdose and poisoning.
It has also been seen popping up as a popular food coloring to create black liquids or black ice cream.
The difference between activated charcoal POWDER and/or a tablet or capsule is that the powder is mixed with a liquid for poisonings. Tables and capsules are used for flatulency.
The saying a little dab will do ya" is VERY true when it comes to using powdered charcoal. This "black magic" is like fireworks and handle with care as the black powder is so fine and will get everywhere and stain items quickly.
Read more about the uses of activated charcoal here.