Eco-friendly Swedish designed and printed in the USA Replaces sponges and paper towels.
This wonderful cleaning cloth can be used in kitchens, bathrooms, and four overall household chores. Use with just water, soap, or cleaners.
It absorbs 20 times it's weight and cleans streak free.
Each cloth replaces 17 rolls of paper towels and lasts over 9 months. Made from FSC certified cellulose and cotton, it is 100% biodegradable the ink used in every design are water-based.
To use, rinse cloth and wring out excess water. After use, rinse, wring out, and hang over a faucet, sink, shower door, or lay flat to dry.
To clean your Swedish dishcloth, place in the washing machine for top rack of your dishwasher, boil or microwave damp. Cloths should not be tumbled dry. Use bleach for brightening. Your cloth can be washed over 200 times.